Dr. Wieland Schwinger 


Responsible for the content of this private home page:

email: wieland@schwinger.at

Home, sweet home
Makartstraße 55,
A-4050 Traun / St. Martin, Austria 
[48°14"03.33' Nord 14°16"23.00' East]

phone:  ++43 (0)7229 / 75369
mobile: ++43 (0)676 / 60 333 04 

Johannes Kepler University Linz, Department of Cooperative Information Systems
Altenberger Straße 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria
eMail: wieland.schwinger@jku.ac.at
phone: +43 732 2468 4685 
fax:   +43 732 2468 9829
room: SCP3 424

Glögglweg 11
A-4020 Linz, Austria 
phone:  ++43 (0)732 / 60 33 65

Please Note:

This is a private home page. It is stricly non-commercial.

I am myself resonsible author of its content (see home page).

Any information provided has to be considered private and are not subject to any further distribution.

Material by myself is free for private usage only.

Violation in the use of information as indicated above might entail legal liability.

All materials, pictures, texts, etc. used have been select not with the intention in mind to violate any copyright. Please, inform me about the disapproval of the usage of the material - it will be removed imediately.

Persons and companies named in various pages should please inform me about disliked the use of their names.

Links pointing to other sites and pages are outside my responsibility.

Audio format is .au

I try to hold my site up to date as much as possible but still they might be erronious. Any troubles caused by that is not will not be in my responsibility.

Please report any problem with the pages by using email (see home page).

URL: http://www.schwinger.at/impressum.html | last updated: Tuesday, 17-Dec-2019 14:53:16 CET by Wieland Schwinger